Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Getting HTTP headers and searching for X pattern in the body content with Python

I've done this small script to get the HTTP headers, get the server response and then look for x text:

import sys
import httplib
from urlparse import urlparse

#Initializing some vars
resource = ""
conn = ""
res = ""

def UserInput():
global target_address
global resource
i = 0

while True:
if i >= 2:
print "[-] Don't try to be sneaky if you want to test, provide a valid URL, I'm exiting..."

url = raw_input("Enter a valid URL to Test: ")
if url and "http://" not in url:
print "[-] you need to follow RFC 1808 when working with URLs, but not worries, I've corrected it for you"
url = "http://" + url
o = urlparse(url)
#Validating that user's input has a resource to GET /something.some
if not o.path or o.path == "/":
print "[-] Nothing to do, you need to provide a valid URL and RESOURCE to test i.e http://www.test.com/resource.htm, I'm exiting..."
#all good and set so lets assign them
target_address = o.netloc
resource = o.path
i +=1

def Connection():
global conn
global res
print "\n[?] Trying to connect to: " + target_address
print "[?] Trying to GET: " + resource
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(target_address,timeout=5)
conn.request("GET", resource)
res = conn.getresponse()
#Goal 1: Print the response of the server:
print "[*] Server Response: " + str(res.status) + " Details: " +res.reason
#Goal 2: Print the response of the server:
print "\n[*] Server HEADER Response:"
for i, (header, value) in enumerate(res.getheaders()):
print "%s: %s" % (header.capitalize(), value.capitalize())

def CheckXSS():
#Goal 3: check if there is an XSS in the body
xss = "alert---document.cookie---" # <- i had to modify the actual text since it seems blogger doesn't like script tags
if xss in res.read():
print "\n[*] WARNING: XSS detected in HTTP response body!, this guy knows to how to get it done!"
print "\n[*] XSS was not found in the body. "

#if there is a valid resource and exists, we check it.
if res.status == 200:
print "\n[-] Nothing to do, you need to provide a valid URL and RESOURCE to test i.e http://www.test.com/resource.htm, exiting"
print "[*] Done!"
except Exception as msg:
print ("\n[-] There is a Problem, Check OSI tier 8 and try again\n[-] Error Details: %s" % msg)

As always, feedback is appreciate, cut me some slack though, I dont code everyday just from time to time.

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